Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Being of ADHD blood, I have many talents. But I don't know which ones to use. I do know that most jobs in the world do not make me happy. Being creative makes me happy. I like designing houses and floorplans and kitchens. I like acting and singing and songwriting and performing. I would like to become an M.D. and help people with mental and emotional struggles. I like offering advice and writing about it. I like using and meeting people.

I suppose Craigslist will be my hobby. If I am an M.D., I can offer advice too. I don't like the idea of working at designing to make money, so perhaps I'll just design my own houses as i buy and sell. I would like to make a living from performing, but that is very difficult to do right now. I would have to make sure my finances were ok before pursuing that full-force.

I am putting hope in my stock portfolio. I believe that i have a great portfolio thanks to Mark Gundy of A.G. Edwards in San Diego, who advised me. There is one stock, STEH, that looks hopeful. Sunncomm seems like a good company with a great product. The potential is enormous. They seem to be ahead in the music industry, which will never go away as long as people are listening. If that potential is reached, I would be able to quit my current jobs, which don't make me happy (they're not very creative).

I didn't go to the office today. i don't feel well. But i'm well enough to sit in a big comfy chair with a warm blanket in front of the computer. There are two things i could do in this position: learn ArchiCAD so that i can design a house or learn ProTools so that I can create music. Hard choice, but ArchiCAD is more pressing.